New research explores dental workforce shortages

The American Dental Association (ADA) Health Policy Institute (HPI), in collaboration with the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB), the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA), the American Dental Assistants Association, and igniteDA, has published new research on the dental workforce shortage.
The report, Dental Workforce Shortages: Data to Navigate Today’s Labor Market, explores several issues related to dental assistant and dental hygienist satisfaction, retention and turnover in the workplace.
The research explores key questions, such as:
- What keeps dental assistants and dental hygienists satisfied in their roles?
- What workplace conditions are to blame for dental assistants and dental hygienists leaving their positions?
- What levers are available to recruit and retain a high-quality dental workforce?
- Where do we go from here?
Related: DANB publishes outcomes from dental assistant workforce forum
Webinar discussion
Key findings from the research were discussed in a webinar on Oct. 3. Chelsea Fosse, D.M.D., HPI senior health policy analyst, presented the findings. Panelists for the program included Hana Alberti, D.D.S., senior director for the ADA Center for Dental Practice Policy; JoAnn Gurenlian, R.D.H., Ph.D., ADHA director of education and research; and Hanna Aronovich, DANB chief marketing and communications officer. Marko Vujicic, Ph.D., HPI chief economist and vice president, served as moderator.
The webinar recording and slides are also available for viewing.